The Cause for Canonization of Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney is at a favorable stage at the Vatican and you can help him on his way to sainthood. Since he was declared a Venerable Servant of God in March 2008, and a miracle through his intercession has opened the way to beatification, we are near the final phase of the process. One more miracle is needed for him to be eligible for sainthood.
The long and complex process is explained in more detail on another page. But your part is simple and direct, and can be summed up in three words:
PRAY. Your prayers can take two forms: to and for. Pray to Father McGivney that he may intercede for you and others in times of need, especially in cases of serious illness. Pray for Father McGivney’s cause, that it may continue to move forward with favorable reports.
You may join members of the Guild throughout the world in reciting the official Prayer for Canonization, or you can pray in your own words.
Knights of Columbus councils and families especially should engage in these prayers, but anyone who is devoted to Father McGivney can and should pray for his intercession and canonization.
Remember that prayers to and for Father McGivney are really prayers asking God to act through and on behalf of the Blessed Servant of God.
REPORT. After asking Father McGivney to intercede for a particular intention, it is important to report any favors received – to let the Guild know if the prayer has been answered. You are encouraged to report any and every favor, big or small, so we can appreciate better the spiritual activity of the Blessed Servant of God. Medical and physical healings are especially important to report since they are most likely to be judged miraculous under strict Vatican guidelines.
It is easy to report favors through a form on this website. You may also report favors by email ( or by regular U.S. mail to the address below.
JOIN. Step 3 is to join the Father McGivney Guild. Membership is free and you receive many benefits, including a quarterly newsletter with spiritual insights and updates on the cause, and a weekly Mass offered for the intentions of all Guild members. Take a moment now to access the online enrollment form.
A Call to Holiness
Most importantly, the cause of Father McGivney is not simply about him being declared a saint. It is an opportunity for each one of us to seek his intercession and draw closer to God.
As the Second Vatican Council made clear with its universal call to holiness, we are all called to be saints. Father McGivney’s cause, in particular, is a summons to laypeople to embrace the mystery of Christ in its fullness so each of us will see that we are called to heroic virtue. Through the prayers and example of Father McGivney, we can come closer to loving God with our whole heart and our neighbor as ourselves.